A Few Snapshots From Around The Farm!

Greetings From BeckySue's Garden!

small watermelon
Parisienne Odd shape delicious flavor
inside the top of the Conical Cabbage

Our cozy little 5 acre farm is comfortably nestled in the beautiful Siletz river valley not far from the tiny town of Logsden Oregon.


With a love of animals and my passion for gardening we have made our place into a home for a number of furry friends, and a place where I can do what I love to do ...You can probably guess what that is ... Yes it's gardening!


For the past few years I have been growing and supplying many of our local restaurants and markets, and also a few  friends and neighbors with beautiful fresh healthy organically grown vegetables, as our growing season permits.


During this past winter I branched out into growing a truly wonderous tiny superfood ....Microgreens.


What's amazing is that these tiny plants contain more nutrients than the produce they could someday become if left to mature!


My Microgreens and edible flowers have enjoyed a fantastic reception from local chefs and can be found topping some of their finest cuisine!

Thanks for visiting my website ... BeckySue.

Microgreens Steak Dish
Microgreens And Flowers
Scallops with Sweet Peas and Microgreens

* Fresh Organic Microgreens * Veggies * Edible Flowers *

Edible Flowers

Super Healthy Organic Veggies An order of my veggies delivered to "The Bay House" restaurant in Lincoln City Oregon.